To stand among the leaders in development of industrial zones in the country, towards the direction of multi-industry and multi-field activities.
Develop more large-scale industrial zones with modern technology, high progress, quality and outstanding aesthetics. Building a strong team with a rewarding and harmoniously regime for employees, creating new values for shareholders, sharing a part of social responsibility with the community.
• Quality: Commit to build industrial zones with high quality and outstanding aesthetics, high progress and safety, pioneering in applying advanced science and technology into business management and construction, consider quality as a development factor to increase competitiveness and an essential element of corporate culture.
• Professionalism: Building a team of professional, creative, enthusiastic, and expertise style.
• Solidarity: building a spirit of team-working, healthy cooperation, willing to share among colleagues, between leaders and employees, between employees and partners.
• Social responsibility: Commit to contribute to sustainable economic development, improve the life quality of employees, share a part of social responsibility for the community in the mutual love of national people.
• Sustainable development: Building works with high quality and outstanding aesthetics, achieving progress and safety … with the solidarity, continuous creative efforts of a professional, enthusiastic and extensive expertise team, sharing a part of social responsibility for the community in the mutual love of national people for the goal of sustainable development of the business and the country.